Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas 2010

(out of order)... Quinn sitting by Santas's cookies, milk and letters from her and her brother.

Santa sneaking in the back...


Waiting and waiting and waiting in line.

Shane with a new Thomas the Train hat!

Quinn opening an Olivia book! She loves Olivia the pig.

After Santa's visit...

This year was a bit different as Q&C were in to Santa, the tree, the lights, the candy canes and everything else. Glamma G and Papa G were staying with us for the Holidays this year, as they are now permanently residing in Eastern Washington. So we had a full house.

We made our traditional visit to the Nordstrom Santa this year... Carter was a big ham, while dancing, handing out "high 5's" and loving it all, where as Quinn was not too keen on the big man himself. Actually there was this kinda scary lady that was working with Santa (think "Christmas Story" when Ralphy and his brother went to visit Santa) and Quinn took one look at her and lost it. We haven't got the official photos yet, but you will see that we had to improvise.

Christmas Eve we visited Carol and Amber at the Jarr's house, had a beverage and some holiday snacks and wished them a Merry Christmas, then we headed home and had a wonderful prime rib and crab feast (prepared by Chef Papa Tom, with Sous Chef, Glamma Wendy) with the Gannon family and Aunt Nanny B! It was so fun! Quinn and Carter left a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Santa and then headed to bed.

Christmas morning was wonderful... with presents, family and a yummy breakfast! We then headed to my parents house for Christmas cheer and dinner. We ended all of our Christmas festivities by heading to Seattle for the annual Jarr Christmas party... it was a small, intimate group of good peeps, amazing food (as usual, Bry) and holiday cheer!

2010 was a great Christmas, minus the stomach bug (vomit and diarrhea, which I don't want to get into) and next year will be even more adventurous, I'm sure.

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