Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fast Forward to 12 to 14 weeks!

Well the twinnies have now reached some amazing milestones (they will be 15 weeks this coming Thursday, 2.26) and they are both doing great at holding their head up, holding on to toys and spazing out, chatting up a storm, laughing and giving the biggest smiles ever! Quinn can also roll over from her tummy to her back... let it begin!

Carter is still having some acid reflux and tummy problems, as well as possible teething. He is a lot to handle at times, but he is a trooper and always works it out with the help of me and Daddy the soothing king (I swear, Shane has this magic touch when it comes to soothing the kids).

Quinn, as I mentioned above, starting to "roll" and changing her diaper can be a bit hard sometimes these days. She is a HUGE binki fan and loves to be with people... if she is left in a room for a second alone, she let's you know! She has also started an incredible routine of sleeping all night, yes ladies and gents, I said ALL night (7:30ish p.m. to 6ish a.m.) in her crib all by herself. Carter is still in our room, as he still wakes up for feedings in the middle of the night and then has to be burped and then sleeps in his MacLaren to stay inclined due to his reflux. We will be receiving the second crib soon and will eventually introduce Carter to his own digs, but will keep the mattress at an incline until needed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! Nice job on the blog. Long Beach is one of my favorite places to stay in Washington state. We love our timeshare at the Surfside Inn and I was thrilled to see that you had chosen this as your 1st family road trip. What fun!

    Love, Aunt Jeanette
