Sunday, July 25, 2010

Alice's House

Alice and Quinn hanging out

The kids eating al fresco!

I ate all my ham...

Quinn the water baby.

Yesterday we visited the Watson's at their new house. Quinn, Carter and Alice got some pool time in, while Craig, Erin, Shane and I all hung out catching up on their patio area with an AMAZING view of Elliot Bay.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dad's Evening Out

OMG! This scares me... please tell me she is not ready to transition out of the crib. That would mean she would be on the "loose"!

Tonight Shane and Bry headed out for dinner, just the guys. So it was me and the kiddos, plus El and Zig. I picked them up from daycare and headed home (singing ABC the entire ride, as Q&C kept saying, "more, more, pees!")... got home and we all had dinner together and then I let them play for a bit. After playing it was bath time... let me just start by saying that Shane is typically home when Q&C get their baths... Mom + kid = team, as does Dad + kid = team, well Shane was out, so I was on my own. I have a system when it is just me and bath time occurs... I put one kiddo in their crib with books, toys, play some music and am able to somewhat chat with them while in the bathroom with the other kiddo who is taking a bath. I then bring the clean kid into their room, where the other kid is (in their crib, as mentioned above), dry them off, diapers, lotion, hair brushed, jam's on and teeth brushed. Whew, one down, one to go! I then leave clean kid in their crib with the same set-up; books, toys, etc. Take care of the bath #2 and follow the same process. When all is said and done, kids are clean, bathroom is a bit of a mess, kids bedroom is a bit of a mess and I am (sometimes) soaked and ready for them to go to bed. :)

Well tonight, Q&C were super silly and Carts wanted to hang out and dance with his sister in her crib while I cleaned up their room and bathroom after bath time... they were laughing, dancing (music was still on) and just being fun. Love you to pieces you two.

Here's to Dad, who deserves a night out (and clean babies)!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer is here!

Pool time at the "Ranch" aka Glamma and Poppa's house!

Dining outdoors at the "Ranch"!

Cool Camden all ready for some pool time - love it!

A tired boy in his favorite swing.

Quinn girl being goofy in her big cousin Jace's shoes and truck.

Now that summer is officially here (weather wise that is) we have been having fun in the sun! Here are some fun pic's of Quinn, Carter and their friend Camden Bakker just being silly.